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Think Exist Quotes

Tuesday 24 May 2011


I haven't been online for a while as you know i have been writing two book reviews for one of my assignments at university. I have just started using different coloured sheets of paper to print out my research as i find it easier to read and take in the information that i am reading. Another availability which is more expensive to start with but cheaper in the long run and i mean a lot cheaper, would be to buy a clear plastic overlay of the specific colour needed. The colour which i use is aqua. These overlays can be found almost anywhere. The website that i found is called Learning Space and they have lots of different colours of overlays and they come at affordable prices to suit everybody, so there is no need to worry about getting the things you need to help yourself or someone you care about with their dyslexia or any other specific learning difficulties. The website Learning Space not only sells overlays but a variety of different things to help children with their education, however it is not just children that could benefit from the items that are on sale on this website. I will attach a link at the bottom of this post that you will be able to click on and it will take you straight to the Learning Space website. There are many other websites that provide a wide range variety of all things for different learning difficulties. All of these different items can be used in an education environment or at home. Tomorrow i will include more websites for information on coping with different learning difficulties.

Speak soon.

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